we, Vangili are producing one day-old chicks which are hatched from eggs produced from layer breeders housed in the company’s facilities. The egg incubation stage is followed by the chick hatching procedure and finally the vaccination. The company will make sure that the product delivered to farms is of the best possible quality.

Our day old chick is considered to be of good quality if it has the capacity to grow and mature in line with its genetic potential. The chick is alert and active, with a closed navel and well developed legs that are soft and well hydrated when the toes are extended or stretched. In addition the hocks of a first class chick will show no signs of swelling and be of normal skin colour. Conversely, chicks of inferior quality often show dehydrated legs with red, swollen hocks.

Our breeders relatively older breed based on breeding stock and benefiting from a long period of adaptation to Indian climatic and conditions housed in the company’s premises produce one day-old broiler chicks of high quality and vitality.


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